Friday, June 4, 2010

Colors of Life

I usually write first, and then decide on the title of the entry. so mmg sekarang ni belum ade title lagilah kat atas tu :)
first of all, thanks a lot dear friends where ever you are for your warm wishes over these past few days. definately losing a friend is not as tough as losing a dear wife for a husband, and losing a loving mommy to a small kid. life must go on, and always go on, no matter what. jadi kita yg masih bernyawa dan tunggang terbalik kat atas bumi ni kena beringat selalu..

On a cheery note, i attended a class (biarlah rahsia dulu) to learn something new. something about cupcakes juga, with a lil bit of deviation from the usual cupcakes i always make. itu entry lain ye... i promise i'll write about it when i can retrieve the photos from the memory card :-) so, tunggu... :D tak bestla cerita takde gambar berbunga2 ye dak? hihi..

Thanks Asnida :-)

Tadi jalan2 blog CupcakesChek, then click kat link sweetopia, then jalan2 lagi, tiba2 terjumpa the coolest gadjet, untuk org2 yg keras tangan mcm i nie la... a KopyKake projector! what is that? first i went here, then nampakla yg sweetopia ni lukis cookies dia pakai projector nie.. waaaahhhh...... bestnyer.. imagine what we can do with that!? thousands possibilities! tapi harganya tak murah ok.. hehehe...  so, here's presenting, KopyKake, my newfound cool gadjets for cakes and cookies.. (ntah2 org lain dah tak heran.. aku je yg teruja).

Tq Rina :-)
Design given by Rina from Shalia's Treats.
Copied with permission tapi xdelah se'cun' shalia buat :-)
Which reminds me, i pernah buat this set in lime green and pink, tapi x tau mana gambar tu! :-( uwaa...

so, see u next week. mlm ni ada dinner nak kena attend so nak gi make up dulu pakai maskara tebal2 :-P
have a great weekends and drive safe sapa2 nak balik kampung tu. especially cikgu2 mesti cuti panjang kan.. (cikgu asmida, balik kg sampai 2 minggu gituuuu...) seronoknya!
oh, and my class on 9th june ni ade lagi 2 seats, sapa berminat nak join, just drop me an email k.. thks! 

ps: skrg baru bubuh title :-)



azima said...

Edi, Big roses tu guna nozzle brp yek. Bucu dia banyak nampaknyer

Edi said...

no 853.. mmg dia byk sket bucu.. hehehe.. u noticed!