Friday, July 2, 2010


i am having problems with my chatbox.. so to ZAZ who asked about the devil's food choc cake, here's the link to the recipe. i forgot to label it under 'recipe'.. sorry about that!

i've been under the weather today.. i'm so not in the mood to write. my lil kiddo woke up at 3am last nite and never slept till we sent him to the nursery.. Zzz... (not that i'm complaining! hehe)

have a great weekends everyone! ta!

 Thanks Syazwani :-)


azima said...

Edi, what a coincidence. I pun dapat order frm my ex hsemate cc utk bertunang. Kaler pun sama pink and blue...he he but mine not sore adoreable like yrs la..

iQa~ said...

cantiknya kak edi......cumelll...

hope nnt iqa punye pun cumel mcm ni...
30/8 eh kak... xsabar~

ibuaries said...

cute :-) new design. love the heart shape lil' roses

Edi said...

azima, ape pulak.. yours pon adorable la.. :D yg ni mmg cust mintak pink, blue and purple combination colors dia.. so i buat je ikut color spec dia.. hehe

iQa, i'allah.. :D (tak sabarlah tu!! hehe)

ibuaries, (ellerque kan?) design mungkin lain sikit tp balik2 sama je flowers jugak.. hehe.. susun lain2 sket, jadikler design baru..

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

I love your swirl rose! selalu nampak macam smooth dan gebu...macam riben satin. Hehe.

Edi said...

tq mango! hehe