Thanks Kitchen Guardian for the recipe. This is the best birthday cake EVER, i baked for myself :D 
The 'in-progress' cake.. i saja2 tumpahkan choc ganache on it.. :)
all dressed up in strawberries!
pure awesomeness!
here's the recipe. i highly recommend this cake if u're thinking of celebrating any occasion. thks again KG, here's the link for the original recipe from her blog. i copy paste it here too.. ♥
Devil's Food Chocolate Cake
1 cup all purpose flour (tepung gandum biasa)1/4 cup cocoa powder
3/4 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
65 gram butter ( i didnt even measure, agak2 je..)
1 large egg - size A (i used 2eggs, size C)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup buttermilk (homemade: 1/4 cup milk added with a few drops of distilled vinegar (cuka biasa), leave to rest for about 20 minutes
1/2 cup warm water
Set your oven at 170C (i set mine at 160C)
Prepare your cake tins, I used my casserole.
Sieve flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate soda, salt, and set aside.
Beat butter with sugars until light and fluffy, add eggs.
When all well incorporated add the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder etc) and alternate with liquid ingredients (buttermilk + warm water) in three portions, last incorporate the vanilla extract.
Bake for about 30 minutes or until just cooked
Cream Cheese Frosting
250 g Philly cheese (i made only half-125g)
125 g butter (i use about 60g)
1 cup icing sugar (i used 1/2 cup)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
juice of a squeezed slice of lemon, to rid the cheese taste (i didnt put)
Beat the cheese and butter, just until creamy, add the icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.
Chocolate Ganache
200 ml double cream with at least 30% fat content
250 g dark chocolate, chopped finely
a pinch of salt
In a double boiler, warm the cream until just at boiling point, add the chocolate and salt and stir, when all chocolate is melted, remove from the heat and continue stirring until all well mixed.
Wait for the cake to cool completely, spread the cream cheese frosting and pour the ganache on top.
*Rima from Bisous A Toi and Cik Ayu from CupcakeCheck had tried this recipe! Check out their comments :)
happy birthday edi! awat tak habaq, i could have baked for you!:)
hehehee.... xpe, i'll take a raincheck on that :D
thks for sharing the recipe..
peh! cake itu sungguhhh.... heavenly!
azq, sampai skrg aku dok teringat2.. weekends ni balik rombau nak buat lagi satuuuu... wihuuuu....
Happy belated Birhtday Edina!!!
semoga ur creativity makin bertambah2lah hendaknye...;D
& the cake looks superyummy...i'll have to try this recipe one of these days... alot of birthdays coming this coming months!
thanks for sharing....
hye SLR, thks.. i'm getting 'dewasa'.. :D
go ahead try the recipe.. in fact i'll be making it again tomorrow for my SIL yg suke gile cheesecakes and anything cheese :-)
take care!
Hi Edi
Ty so much for sharing this wonderful recipe...i've baked it.. sedap bangat! hehehhe
dear, knp ye my cake tak naik? kecewa sggh..
kek ni mmg tak naik sgt.. juz nice je... u follow recipe tu betul2 mesti jadi.. ramai dah yg buat nie..
eh? next time kene cuba dgn bersungguh-sungguh ni. =) thanks dear
hi edi..tq for this recipe..i've tried 3 times already..mmg sgt sedap, hehe.
Jun, glad u loved it. thks to kak yani the kitchen guardian for sharing actually.. i pun ambik dr dia nyer blog :)
x boley stop makan kan? hehe
kak ina. kek ni bukan sedap. dia sedap giler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nana baru buat tadi, hehhehehe
nana! hahahaa... mcm x caye je nana buat kek!!! hahahahaha....
sedap kan?
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