Friday, June 10, 2011

Sweet, sugary and buttery

These are for my cousin Nurul who's taking her final exam now. I was inspired by Laura Ashley design, I saw their mugs and teapots in polka dots.. just simple polka dots using pastel colors. Laura Asley uses blue, pink and yellow  dots which were so sweettttt! I misplaced my yellow coloring so I settled for blue pink and peach :)

I got an email asking me how does my icing taste.

"I nak tanya, what kind of buttercream u use for your cupcakes, is it like cupcake chic (yg ada rasa a bit sweet but can somehow taste the sugar a bit) or like almost other baker yg  licin tak rasa gula but way to sticky kat tekak? I dah terkena order yg rasa macam makan raw butter..  i prefer yg ada rasa gula tu sbb tak rasa sticky sangat.. just to make sure before i order, thanks ya :) "

Hmm.. susah nak jawab sebenarnya... I don't give out free samples for customers to taste.. kalau kedai, maybe boleh buat mcm tu.. since I bake based on orders, I usually have a few extra cupcakes after baking for orders.. usually my boy will munch it all (he prefers to decorate his cupcks by himself using the lefover icing..) or I'll give out to my neighbours.. sometimes I gave to those who orders.. tengoklah, mana sempat je... my recipe usually yields enough cupcks for one set (16 or 25).. so kalau ade lebih pun x bykla.. unless if I have a few sets to prepare, then the extra cupcks ade banyak.. but how to give out samples? I dont know who are interested, who are not. Kadang2 kalau nak bagi org, rase mcm serba salah jugak.. sebab taknak org tu bersangka yg kita nak promote. No, I don't do vigorous promotions for my cupcks. I dont even have a fan page on Facebook. Tak berani sebab I takut bila ade org order and I kena tolak sebab dah tak sempat.. rasa tak sampai hati kat org tu... so far, order yg I tolak ialah order yg date dia request I tak available.. either balik kg ke, cuti.. or ade hal. Usually I will suggest other dates, kalau tak boleh jugak, tak dpt lah nak buatkan.. Kenapa nak tolak rezeki kan... ade org pernah ty, "eh, u taknak ke.. i nak order ni.. taknak duit ke?" wahhh..... erm... uh.... senyap jelah.

Ok, balik kpd rasa icing.. to be honest, I never tried Cupcake Chic or Wondermilk dan sewaktu dengannya... so I cant comment on their taste.. TAPI saya pernah makan cupcks made by other bakers.. either dekat majlis kenduri, birthday, atau majlis lain.. Pernah. Ade yg SEDAP... ade yg terlalu manis.. ade yang tak boleh makan! sebab icing dia rasa payau... ade rasa semacam... ape dia letak eh? sellau terfikir mcm tu.

The point I want to make, kita kena buat untuk org macam yg kita nak makan. Tu je. Kalau utk sendiri or utk family, mesti kita nak buat yg terbaik, tersedap, tercomel kan. Mcm tulah kita kena buat utk orang.. sebab customer bayar, dia tengok gambar je be4 dia bayar kita and I believe there is a big trust to us that we will give the best.. sama sedap mcm dlm gambar yg dia tengok online tu.. kalau dpt2, hampeh... kita sbg penjual, best ke? Kalau saya lah, xleh tido mlm! I pernah cancel order sorang tu sebab mmg beetul2 menyusahkan utk I nak hantar ke KL dengan jam dan kebetulan nak balik Trg... Cupcks tu pun kalau sampai kat tgn dia wont look as good kot, sebab dlm kereta dengan budak2 tu, silap2 kena pijak ke.. lagi haru!!! sampai skrg rasa bersalah kat dia. So far tak pernah pulak customers I komplen ckp x sedap, x cantik atau x seperti yg dia nak... tapi.... tak taulah kalau dia x puas hati tp dia tak bgtau.. who knows kan?

Sorry if I cant give u some samples.. but trust me my cupcks for you are the same if not better looking as I would make for my family and dear friends. No compromise!

Thks Farah Shahana! What a sweet family u have!

Have a great weekends! Don't be naughty aaa! :D



iQa~ said...

ur cupcakes super duper sedap kak edi....n deco u pun cute n tq sbb wat mine dulu tu cantik!

Anonymous said...

tq dear... appreciate yr comment :)
-kak edi-

Anonymous said...

Hi Edina,

May I know if you are using buttercream or shortening for your icings?


my.mastura said...

to others, jgn risau..kapkek edi mmg sedap! x kan nyesal nye lah..hhehehehehe

Anonymous said...

Hye Farah, no shortening in my buttercream :)

Mas, thanks a lot! lama x jumpe.. hihi


Anonymous said...

Hi Edi,

Thanks for the clarification.
