Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday Imran!

Seven years ago... I gave birth to him struggling between life and death, both of us. It was a premature birth, my bp shoot up as high as 210/140.. my nose was bleeding, my eyesight dah kabur.. ( mula2 tak sedar tapi bila tengok jam dlm bilik ICU tu dah tak nampak, alamak, kenapa ni? doktor, saya tak nampak!!!).... I had preeclampsia, that's what they called it. There was a big possibility for me to have stroke as a result of the eclampsia, so before anything worse happened, they rushed me into the OT coz his heartbeat was weak...

 He came out screaming his lung out crying! Weighing just 1.3kg, he was healthy, but too small, weak and very prone to infections. He stayed in the incubator for 14 days, I took care of him for 36 days in the hospital before he was allowed to go back. Yup, takde pantang pun.. and he was my first, I had zero experience in handling babies.. I dont know how to bathe him, I dont even know that nappies have a convienient sticker at both sides!

 Look at him now... blowing his number 7 candles.. Alhamdulillah...  my precious little Imran, you will grow up to be a good man.

He was really excited to have his friends come over.. he wanted a choc cake with his fav Naruto on it.. so I ordered the edible image.. he never see it until his birthday, so he was pretty surprised by the cake.. he loved it! and he also requested for strawberry cupcakes.. nasib baik baru balik from Cameron, so borongla strawberry from there :)

26.06.2011 Happy birthday Imran! Ibu and Ayah just want you to grow up happy and be a great man someday, to humankind and most importantly, to Allah. Amin..


Fazlinil Irma said...

happy birthday Imran. moga membesar menjadi anak yg soleh..!

Anonymous said...

tq aunty irma. i'allah.. :)))

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

happy birthday imran !

Syahida said...

edi, as usual..the cakes are superb!

EvisuKyme said...

happy birthday imran!
same date just like my brother...but he turn 25.... :)

Rima said...

Happy Bday Imran! kids.. they grow too fast!

Anonymous said...

aunty mango, aunty shida, aunty EvisuKyme and aunty Rima, tqvm from imran! tunjuk kat dia all the wishes, tersengih2 dia :D
