Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rated 18SX

I was thinking for a few days or so, whether or not to put up this photo :-). finally i decided, as much fun as i had decorating these, i wish to share jugaklah dengan korang.. hehehehe.. tapi kena sensored satu tu je.. bahaya.. :D
Bai had in mind a sexy theme for her husband's birthday.. she made some sketches for me and suruh i buat yang 'sexy2'... based on the wordings yg dia kasik tu, i pun buatla.. hubby dia suka golf and music jugak.. so yg atas tu tema golf and music.. followed by some kinky themed cupcakes.. seronok dengar cerita Bai pasal the celebration she had with her frens.. lawak2..  Thanks a  lot Bai, for letting me exploring a new dimension of decorating these cupcakes.. haha.. i tanya dia, siapa yg kena makan cupcakes 'horny' tu.. dia kata itu fav husband dia so dia ler jadik mangsa!  hahaha.. lawakla Bai!


Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

hahaha... yg bawah 18 tak boleh makan!

Edi said...

ya betol! u tak tgk version horny i yg 'reject'... lg giler.. seb baik reject.. x sampai ke tuannye... hahaha.. i boleh tergelak sorang2 time deco tu :D

SunnyLovesRain said...

hahaha...kinky but funny!!! xD

Edi said...

hi sunny :)
i'm glad u look at them that way! coz i too, find them to be so so funny and a great get-together centerpiece!
thks for dropping by!