i'm more of a polka dot person. and sometimes, well, most of the times, lines. kalau tengok wardrobe i, banyak betul tshirt belang2.. semua shades ade. sweater pun ade yg belang2. i had a polkadot tshirts sometime ago, tapi dah sedekah kat org dah.. sebab dah bertahun2 pakai since zaman uni lg.. haha.. i always like something simple. kadang2 simple sgt sampai buat kerja pun nak yg simple2, kadang2 terfikir, ni dah masuk bab penyakit malas nie.
sebenarnya, bile buat cupcakes ni kan, so much considerations and thinking come into place. mmg nampak senang, tp tak senang sebenarnya... here's something i'd like to share.
when making a set of cupcakes, what we should think of;
1. combination of colors ~ most important
2. design
3. arragement (this makes all the difference!)
for me, these three require most of the thinking.
tq kak lin, for the order.
1 comment:
comella, sy polka dot person XD
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