Hass, my best friend in high school, ordered from me for her son's majlis isra' mi'raj. it was my first time seeing her after.. well, 14 years!! (omg i'm so olddddd....) i love being in this business.. i get to meet so many of my long-lost friends, i got to see so much love and kindness in so many lovely people out there... we so need it, dont we all?
100pcs simple cupcakes. rm1.40 each.
Thank you, my Hassy:-)
It's bizzarre that we have kids with same names, and husbands with same name too! (tapi confirm bukan org yg sama! haha)
love you,
Thank you, my Hassy:-)
It's bizzarre that we have kids with same names, and husbands with same name too! (tapi confirm bukan org yg sama! haha)
love you,
Nama sama.. pelik tetapi benar! hihihi.. anyway, thanks for the LOVELY and DELICOUS cupcakes! budak-budak tu siap mintak aku order lagik.. heheh..
hehe.. bankruptla ummi dia kalau asyik kena order je.. :-D
thanks hass!
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