Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cameron Highlands Day 1

We went up on 23rd June, Thursday. Why Thursday... taknak ramai org kat atas tu. Serik sebab pernah pergi masa cuti sekolah. Traffic jam atas tu.. jadi jam stroberi semua org :P First time kitorg naik melalui exit Simpang Pulai. The trip was not bad. Altho kena tambah lagi 30km (Tapah-Simpang Pulai jarak 30km), tp jalan naik atas tak terlalu sempit dan bahaya mcm melalui Tapah. Plus new sceneries for us, so that was a bonus :)

After checking in our hotel at Brinchang, we went to Boh Tea Plantation Sg Palas. This time, the kids and my husband walked up from the parking place at the lower location. I drove myself up by car, convieniently! haha.. alasan, balik karang kite takyah la turun jalan kaki nak ke kereta... kih kih kih

Kalau ke Cameron mmg tak sah la tak ambik gambar bunga... :)

Imran yang tak habis2 berposing. This time the trip was made coz of his birthday, so he was all excited la..

My fav photo: below, left. Everyone in their own element! haha!

Faaeq was eager to explore!

 Then we headed to Tanah Rata. Bought some goreng pisang panas, makan2 di taman mainan. Both of them loved it there. Udara sejuk, nyaman, sambil panjat2 dan tergolek. Kids!

My FAV photo of all, Faaeq playing hide and seek with me for the first time! Zillions eye contacts and involvement and interactions with me and abang. Thanks Ayah for capturing this magical moment~ I was actually surprised that he even know how to play!

Yesterday during our session with the psychologist at Klinik Psikologi Kesihatan HUKM, he said he's seeing very good improvement in terms of eye contact for Faaeq. And he was surprised to see that Faaeq initiated hugs and eye contact with us. That's tremendous achievement and we were so happy to hear that. All we did was applying all the techniques we learnt from our speech therapist and psychologist.. At last, rasa mcm terubat semuanya... I hope he continues to improve and improve and not to loose his newfound interest, playing!

Take care!


Anonymous said...

all the best to faeeq.


Syahida said...

yeay!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

sally, thank you. we need that :)

syida, harap2 newfound interest ni tak 'hilang'.. nak dpt bukan main susah, sekali dpt pun nak maintain pun susah jugak tu kan.

Anonymous said... pulak tgk gambar u kat cameron ni. dah lama ta knaik. last i naik masa zaman i sekolah dulu....boleh consider cuti2 malaya kat cameron....edi, next week friday so far i cam free. boleh la kot nanti kita dating :)

Anonymous said...

jumaat depan sounds great.. so far xde plan lagi.. ape2 hal nanti calling2 k :D
pegilah cameron skali.. tp jgn gi time cuti sekolah, sgt serabut. xleh nak enjoy.. jln sana sini jam.. u should go there!


Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

yay!!!! keep it up faeeq! :) aunty tumpang happy.

Anonymous said...

mango, nak keep it up tu part paling susah.. budak2 autism ni boleh tenggelam timbul skill dia... apa2 pun, thks for always cheering us up :D faaeq pesan suruh siapkan buku aunty cepat2, faaeq nak beli satu :)
