Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tentang.... kapkek :D

Tq Nina!
Ade cerita kelakar ttg Nina punyer cupcakes nie... masa nak passkan kat Nina, i kalut nak balik dah sbb dah kul 5.30pm.. tghr tu ade beli sepeket kitkat nak makan tp x sempat makan.. so bila nak balik tu 'tumpang'kan kitkat tu dlm plastik yg ade kotak cpcks ni... bila passkan kat Nina, lupe terus psl kitkat tu.. sedar2 Nina sms, tq for the cupcakes.. and thks for the kitkat too! hahahahaha.... i pun reply, u're welcome :) hahahha... so Nina, mmg tu rezeki awaklah! hahahhaha. esoknyer beli la kitkat baru.. :)

Tq Lat! A surprise for her bestfriend!

 Made this for Imran's piano teacher, Aema.

Tq Lydia yg selalu order dengan akak!

Tq Sofia, a gift for her friend!

Can't hang around.. talk to u later!


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