Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cupcake Class 15th Oct 2011

Pls email me at edina2404@gmail.com if u'd like to join :-)

Thanks for reading!



mimie1678 said...

tak dpt join lagi! waaaaa....

Anonymous said...

cantik lampu. simple je tapi cantik.carpet pun cantik...bila la nak bertandang eh...raya dah abis pun hehehe...

nurulhaiza said...

kalau nak join lg sekali boleh tk?? heheheheheeeee...

Edi said...

mimie, bile ni.. kang dah nak pindah melaka!

mai, murah2 je... meh la rumah.. kite pun dah lama x kua dating.. semester dah start ni agak kalut sket la..

nurul, boleh2... meh la tlg cuci pinggan! hehehehe

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

clicked your link and suddenly putri screamed from behind, "woooo mummy cantik!!". dia nampak cupcake tu hihihihihi.

nurulhaiza said...

hehehehe... cuci pinggan?? boleh.. janji leh tgk umah baru akk~~ :P

Edi said...

mango, say HI to Putri!!! kalau Putri dekat2 sini boleh aunty buatkan satu kotak paling cantik sekali dlm dunia khas utk tuan Putri cantik jelita :)))

nurul, xyah tunggu kelas, singgah je bebila lalu area sini.. call je akk... kalau x call makan biskut oreo dengan teh o jela :P

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

hahahaha...i guess she becomes so expressive when it comes to something beautiful or cute. Sometimes I force her to agree with me...cantikkan putri? cantikkan? if she just silent then mummy will go, "putri...say it's cantik". Fullstop. No choice. Hahahaha...but your cupcakes kak edi memang dia sendiri kata cantik mummy tak suruh k. :)