Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hello, is anyone there!?

Although i didnt update my page, i will eagerly log in to my blog to see whether others, my fellow blogger friends upate their blogs with their interesting stories and photos... i think they are all caught up in the weather too... semuanya senyapppp je.... hehehehe... me too, has no interesting stories to share with you... i'd say, my stories will start next week.. this week, i am still in my cocoon!



Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

dalam cocoon ka kak edi?! hehehehhee...i'm sure duk dalam cocoon pun kak edi masih produktif! :)

Anonymous said...

i tried to imitate tak jadik heheheh

Anonymous said...

mango, cocoon ni bess tau... panas je... sbb tu taknak keluar :D

mai, cuba tunjuk gambar sket muke mai bile buat camtu! hahahaha


mimie1678 said...

ya Allah.... comelnya dia!! hahaha.... geget nak....

mimie1678 said...

oh... baru perasan... blog saya takda dalam bloglist edi... sedih2... sob sob sob...

Anonymous said...

ha ah ekkk.. baru perasan lah! pttla lama mcm x baca blog awak! rasenyer ade problem bile add in blog personal awak hr tu... skrg ni pun i takleh nak komen bile login.. sbb tu komen anonymous... ntah hape lah mengong blog nie..

nanti sy add balik! :D skrg port dah kat melaka kan?


mimie1678 said...

loorrr... hehehe... okay2...
lom lagi... insyaAllah by Dec...
dah tender... tgh tunggu 14 Nov!
tak sabarrrr... hehehe...

Rima said...

Memang weak lah lately nak mengupdate blog.. tak tahu apasal.. cuaca sejuk and malas melanda!

Yunne Osman said...

OMG! this picture of him is just too cute! geram aih

Edi said...

Nurul, mmg i pun selalu sengeh tgk gelagat dia ni masa ni. Poyo gile

Edi said...

Rima, itula... I miss yr posts!!