Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rainy Sunday

Did it rain at your place last Sunday? It was raining the whole day at my place.. so we just stayed at home staring at the rain :)

The kids were bored. No pool trip this time. Imran was down with a terrible eye infection since Thursday. Faaeq is still doing fine, I hope the virus won't spread and infected Faaeq!

Look at him... I've had an eye infection some time ago and it was hell! Poor Imran!

We have an appointment at Putrajaya Hospital tomorrow for Faaeq. Faaeq is going to be 4 years old this year (come November 2011) so the therapist transferred Faaeq to Early Intervention Program (EIP). It is more or less like a playroom too, but there it's more focused on learning. He has to start learning about colors, alphabets, shapes.. and the therapist was having quite a tough time with Faaeq, to get his attention to sit and do the tasks! Tomorrow will be his 3rd session at EIP.

Faaeq has been having difficulties to sleep. I read other parents with autistic kids, some of them do not even sleep at all! Compared to them, Faaeq is far better off.. he sleeps through the nights.. but some nights (since this Jan) he sleeps late (around 12) and wakes up around 3am playing around, poking my nose, my eyes.... Grrr.... then he'll doze off near Subuh, when everyone has to get ready for work and school.. Zzzzz... 

Typical activity for autistic kid~ susun! (he arranged the containers according to heights, notice?)

Then fill (look at his skill!)


Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebrate. We'll be heading to the best place on earth ~ Terengganu Darul Iman, tomorrow!

Happy Holidays!



Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

Hm...pasti challenging menjaga faeeq ni kan. Mango baru jaga Putri sorang pun dah pening. But I'm sure kak edi pasti seorang yang kuat, penyabar dan penyayang :)

Edi said...

hehe.. satu je yg betul.. penyayang tu kot.. yg lain masih perlu dibaiki!

Anonymous said...

Trengganu, one of my fav places in the world.

Edi said...

kak wiz, mmg best! :)