Friday, January 21, 2011

My Best Friends

Some friends we make along the way are treasures for lifetime! They never change, stays the same old buddy and warms our heart everytime we see them. Not seeing them for such a long time never changed a bit of how u feel being around them. Comfortable. Giving. Heartwarming.

I have such friends.. many of them. One of them is Liz kucing ni!

For the girls.. kenduri doa selamat at one of TNB's branch.

For the boys.. :)  Thanks Liz! Sayang KO! and pls convey my thanks for your friend who ordered these!



Syahida said...

edi, when i see these designs, i hv this caption in mind "Less is more!" cantik!! keep it up :D

Edi said...

syida.. it is indeed! i mmg suke yg sempoi2 tp utk tempahan kdg2 takut gak nak buat simple sgt.. kang org kata tak berbaloi bayar mahal2.. tp ade a few customers yg mmg specify nak design simple.. actually time taken to do both mcm lebih kurang je.. simple2 pun nak kena fikir jugak nak buat mcm mana :)

thks for always coming over! :)

KG said...

adoi...perfect swirls and lines....bilalah my turn he he!

Edi said...

KG, takdelah perfect sangat actually. mana yg tak perfect tu i dah cungkil balik, buat semula! hehe

MakSu Ayu said...

salam... hi edi, i ade buat my cc guna design u..
tq so much 4 the idea.. tp u punye lagi cantik...
meh tgk kat blog i... ehehe..

Edi said...

hehe.. ayu, yours pun cantik! :)