Thursday, December 2, 2010

Artist Trading Card Swap

Yay! It's a personal accomplishment for me to be able to finish all three cards.. If you want to know about this swap thing, pls visit Mangosteen's page. I'm not an artist but I do enjoy sketching aimlessly.. 'almost everywhere'.. when Mango hosted this ATC Swap, I thought it'll be fun and interesting to have my mediocre drawing with some strangers out there and in return, get another person's drawing for my treasure!

Inilah hasil2nya... I used watercolor pencil (menyesal beli yg 12 pcs saja!)... and black marker pen (beli di kantin pada hari nak start melukis~ hu huhu). The drawings are not named yet... any suggestions? :)

Thanks Mango for hosting this! I had FUN!


SunnyLovesRain said...

uhhh....can the 1st one be under the sun in the rain??? hahaha...just kidding edi xD

cool...i pun nak masuk jugaklah...nanti i cari idea.

have a great sunny day edi!

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

see? seronok kan buat atc? komitmen tak membebankan sangat sebab kocik jo. Hehe.

Bestkan watercolor pencil? nanti kak edi experiment lg mix dan layerkan dengan 2-3 kaler...lepas tu br sapu air...walahh!!

kalau kak edi nak lg seronok...cuba join swap yg dr overseas. seronok dpt kad dr merata dunia!

Anonymous said...

1. Sunshine makes the rain go away.

2. Love tweets

3. Twirl away.

PUCCAnis said...

nice..i would named the 3rd 'grace' if its mine...hehehe

Maizatul said...

edi....sangat cantikkkkkk, rasa cam nak belajar je, sara lagi pandai lukis and colour drp mamanya....boleh tak buat satu utk saya, boleh lekat kat dlm bilik, hehehehe...buat inspirasi...

Edi said...

Sunny, yg 1st one tu mmg under the sun tapi bintik2 tu mungkin peluh kot? kalau hujan mcm terbalikla pulak kan.. hmm... now i know it's not easy to give names.. pttnya flow masa drawing but somehow mine's not connected.. faillah!! Joinla.. mana tau nanti i dpt u punya! hehe

mango, watercolor pencil mmg best! tp i tak terror lg so mcm tak kemas sgt hasilnya.. thks for the suggestion.. kena buat layers eh.. pttla... nampak bintik2 kertas tu lagi.. x cukup layers la tu.. huhu

kak wiz, best tajuk tu... thks :D hihi.. love tweets... tweets tweets..

PUCCAnis, yg last tu somehow reminds me of a graceful lady juga.. samalah kita! :) thks for dropping by!

Mai, x perlu belajar pun bende2 ni.. just pick up a brush (or pencil color or marker) and draw! haish.. sy punya tak layak lg nak digantung kat bilik mai! tryla buat dgn sara.. i'm sure u'll be pleasantly surprised of the outcome!

DoodleDesign said...

My ATCs will meet yours @ Mangos's.. hehe.

Eh, cantiklah your art works! It's not the tools that count.. but the skill & ideas :)

KG said...

edi, you are so talented! meh tolong lukis logo for my sticker boleh? tqs muahss

Edi said...

doodledesign, (ET kan?) thks.. hehe... i dah tengok u punyer.. cun! and your sketching sumer cun2 lah!!! suke... i'm your new fan!

KG, boleh.. sticker ape tu? upahnya macs sekodi yek :)