Monday, November 29, 2010

Hari Yang Indah

Thanks a lot Ina.. nice meeting you! Hope Dina and Iddin loves their cuppies!

 Ina requested a set similar to Fara's cupcakes I did some time ago.. (Hi Fara! lama tak dengar berita.. hope u and your lovely kids are doing great!)

.. and another set of strawberry cupcakes.. (Ina dtg all the way from wangsa maju to pick up these.. I really appreciate it, Ina.. sorry menyusahkan u!)

The flowers are blooming.. and so is my heart! Alhamdulillah semuanya dah settle.. my studies, I mean. Completed my thesis writing and the ever-so-scary viva session. If you ask me how did I do it, let me share with you some of my experience..

1. I didnt do it alone.. half of the challeges were shared with my husband. He took care of the kids while I was away EVERY weekends to class.. (with 6 YO and 2 YO, you can imagine how hard it is for him..) yes, I am lucky to have him! 

2. Every minute counts for me.. I didnt get enough rest actually, but what people say is true, if u set your mind to do it, nothing else can stop it. it is mind-over-body kinda thing. dah letih macam mana pun, kena jugak buat sebab itu yg kita dah pilih dari awal kan... 

3. Time management.

4. I try to absorb everything in class. Then I need less time afterclass to think about the same thing. (adik2, concentrate dlm kelas-lah.. kesimpulannyer.. hehe) 

5. Buat apa yg terdaya... kalau tak berdaya, minta tolong orang lain.. in my case, my groupmates, Bos Shamsul and Effi, sgt2 best and professional! and as always, at nights my husband will watch the kids while I was upstairs finishing my assignments..

6. Doa .. dari mama saya. Thanks mama... (ramai yg mendoakan sy.. sy tahu.. terima kasih juga utk semua..)

7. Tu je kot.. kalau ada apa2 lagi nanti saya tambah.. hehe

 Sooooo.... nak kata saya ni superwoman, I'm NOT at all!! Catwoman pun tidak! haha... So if i can do it, YOU can also do it.. in fact, better than me! Ramai geng2 saya still tangguh nak sambung study and all, sebab family commitments, work and other matters.. mmg semua tu kena diambil kira kalau nak sambung belajar.. nak2 kalau kita seorang ibu/isteri.. for me, it's not worth it to let go your family to pursue your dreams.. kalau dpt ijazah setinggi gunung, tapi keluarga tak happy, no point too... last week nampak kereta Agung masuk UiTM sempena majlis konvokesyen.. dlm hati terdetik "next year, turn aku pulak salam dengan Agong! Yay!!! *insya allah kalau panjang umur..)

Happy Monday everyone!


Azfa said...

Congrats Edi in the completion of ur studies.. yes I have to agree, it is not easy but it is not hard either kalau we have our mind n head focus on it. And I also agree, there is no point doing it kalau masa kita study, family jadi tak tentu arah.
Once again, CONGRATS my friend!

Edi said...

salam kak azfa (i went to your blog just now.. )
thks a lot.. x setinggi mana pun pencapaian tp bg saya personally mmg satu milestone yg saya banggakan.. i know u know better.. thks for dropping by my blog.. x sangka ade reader jauh di sungai petani nun! :)

KG said...

edi, i ni tak buat mba and tak bercita cita nak buat pon...but go grab this book...Screw it let's do it by rachrd branson...a real good read!

Edi said...

KG, will do.. tajuk pun dah menarik :D

Anonymous said...

So happy for you Edi, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you too. Now can petik bunga2 itu dan lambung2 sebelum lambung itu topi ke langit.

Edi said...

thks kak wiz!!! nak lambung cupcakes la instead of bunga.. hahahhaha

Maizatul said...

Congrats Edi...

Edi said...

thks mai! dah habis submit marks ke?

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

Wow kak edi! congratulations!!

You're my idol!

Edi said...

mango... thks.. tak layak jadi idol mango la.. ape da.. bukannyer gempak sgt pun pencapaian... eh, lupe nak bgtau, ATC dah siap!! mlm ni nak scan dulu simpan buat kenangan... then nak pos ke mango.. yippiee!! mintak emailkan address mango yek ke thks 'penoreh getah' paling cool dlm dunia!