Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pretty ribbons are for pretty ladies

When i mentioned ribbons in my previous entry, i promised to show u what i did with them.. nothing extravaganza-lah.. just some simple door gifts je.. :D so here are the photos..
*photos by my better half. his link here

I have been thinking.. and i've decided to stop taking any more orders starting now. reason being i will start my last semester of my masters program soon (come july). this will be my final semester (phew!!!) but with it comes a heavy task of doing a thesis paper. it requires a lot of readings and researching and all those boring stuff bla bla bla.. and i wont be able to fully commit to doing it if i continue taking orders.. :-( it made me sad actually.. saying this.. but i have to.. i have to concentrate and give my 100% for this semester.. apart from the thesis paper, i will have to go for my normal classes during weekends (every weekends), so with that comes other assignments, project papers, presentations and all... itupun dah busy gile, tambah lg thesis ni yang carry 6 credit hours.. so, i cant be a superwoman lah.. hehe...

Worry not, sapa yg dah place orders for july, august and raya, insya allah i will still make the cupcakes for you.. cuma i wont be taking new orders.. my semester will end in October, so come November i'll be back baking cupcakes for you!!! :D

Banyak juga gambar2 yg belum di upload.. so i will try to upload semuanya kalau i berjaya 'korek' dlm CF cards, PC at home and laptop :-P From time to time, i will still bake, but at my own leisure time.. (yay!) so insya allah kalau jumpa resepi best2 tu i'll share with u ok.. for cupcakes class, i might consider doing class every now and then.. so if you are interested, just drop me an email and we'll discuss ok :-) 

Alrite friends, have a great day!


are_u said...

good luck 4 the last semester... the pink cup cakes tu so sweet....

Edi said...

tq ayu :D me loves pink!

iQa~ said...

akak,my order sempat masih list x???

iqa ade msg akak kat fb n email yg akak kate xdpt tu..

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

sometimes to reach one goal, we need to sacrifice the other. Yakin saja dan Allah pasti tolong. Insyaallah. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree for you to concentrate in your last sem and it is just for a couple of months and in no time at all you'll be baking again. Bukan apa, baking ni very distracting kan, I am sure you know. EH ckp macam kita ni cikgu awak plak he he he, lama tak nasihatkan anak murid sniri ni tu la sebabnya.

Ok Edi, focus k, this is the last stretch of the race before you cross the finish line. Give it your best, give it your all. muahs!

Edi said...

iQa, yes, order u akak ambik.. 29th august rite? no prob, i'allah..

mango, thks.. walau x ambik order tangan pasti gatal jugak nak bake :D but no pressure.. itu yg mahal tu :D

kak wiz, betul.. just 3 mnths je, i have to take a break from baking.. mmg leceh and very distracting (i know u know better! hehe) .. asyik berngan nak buat design ape je.. kalau continue mcm ni, studies mmg tak boleh nak give my 100%.. i dont want to regret later..
thks for the encouraging words. appreciate it :)

Azima said...

Edi.. good luck for yr studies..

Nak tnhyer yg baby bear tu guna gumpaste ker?

Edi said...

Tq azima :)

baby bear tu buttercream jugak.. i pakai nozzle besar sikit (no 8 kot kalau x silap) and picit2 je.. badan, tangan,kaki and telinga. then muka dia lukis sikit hidung and mata.. u silap posting la.. hehehe.. soalan untuk posting lain! hehehe.. tryla buat!

KG said...

way to go edi...i love it when one pursues her studies...the only one that i will pursue is syariah law, that's it, but now, tunggu anak anak besar sikit!all the best!

Edi said...

kak yani, doing part time plus jugling work and family is so tough.. i'm not complaining but i do break down sometimes u know.. alhamdulillah my husband is very supportive and he has been my greatest strength to go through all the challenges. i'm sure u'll do excellent when u pursue your studies as well! jum jadi student balik! (it's really good for self esteem tau, rase muda je.. hahaha.. ape taknyer, beli tic wayang pon pakai student card padahal muka dah berkedut! hahah)