I think this is 3rd, ot 4th order from Shik.. x ingat.. she's from Ampang and came all the way to Shah Alam to pick up these cuppies.. really appreciate the effort.. i always feel humbled everytime my customers are willing to come all the way from their places, sometimes sampai sesat2 barat :-/
Shik is an easy customer to work with, always general with her request and always leave the design to me to decide, usually just requesting a specified color. Lagi susah sebenarnye.. hehe.. but it's a challege and i love challeging myself to come out with new look for the cupcakes, although not always successful due to time constrain :-P. These set was requested with English Garden theme, and she specifically wanted purple flowers.. might be her mom's fav color, i think :)

Mama's 52ns Bday and 10th Anniversary.
pls say they look ENGLISH! or else ... grrr..
Thanks, girl. and Selamat Pengantin Baru.. (hope it's not too late!)
vanilla oreo 25pcs set, rm45
vanilla oreo 25pcs set, rm45
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